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  1. year 1984
  2. Directors David Lynch
  3. Genre Sci-Fi, Action
  4. Score 117708 votes
  5. countries USA, Mexico


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Watch dance movie online free without downloading high quality music. I read all the Dune books many times (the real ones, not the crap prequels written by Herberts son) and it broke my heart how bad this film was. I think that anyone who has read this magnificent book would agree that it is neither possible nor practical to translate it in its entirety to the big screen. So compromises have to be made, that hopefully will not upset fans of the book too much while ensuring that people new to the story will still enjoy it.
While watching the movie, I tried to keep in mind how a newcomer to the story might react, although it was a little difficult. Mainly because I didn't find the movie confusing at all, although apparently many did. There are, however, some problems with the movie that will present themselves whether you've read the book or not.
The main problem is characterisation. The movie attempts to introduce as many characters as possible from the book, and as a result there is no time to flesh these characters out at all. This makes some of the scenes merely distractions, and possibly adds to the confusion of those struggling to keep track of the story.
There are some awful special effects - I'm mainly thinking of the shields here. They look so fake that it's hard to take the scenes in which they appear seriously. Some of the acting is pretty wooden as well (although I loved the Baron; for some he was over the top, but I thought he was one of the highlights of the film, just as grotesque and insane as I hoped he would be.
Some of the inner dialogue was repetitive and a little annoying. It seems as though (switching to my read-the-book hat here) he has included some of them verbatim from the book to please its fans, and in some cases it was necessary and worked well, but in others, I thought that he could have used more cinematic techniques to convey the same information (facial expressions or maybe even spoken dialogue. Some of the spoken quotes from the book seemed out of place as well (for example, A million deaths are not enough for Yueh' just came across very woodenly, I think because it was just out of nowhere.
If the newcomer will find the movie a little flat, and confusing, partially because of the movie's adherence to the book, fans of the book will also be disappointed, partially due to where it doesn't stick to the storyline ( weirding modules' and the ending, to name a couple) partially because it doesn't give the excitement of the book, and given that the complexity and sinuous nature of the book had to be given up as well, this is pretty disappointing. I have a feeling, though, that the main reason fans were let down is because they regarded the book as a masterpiece and expected the same greatness from the movie, greatness that was not forthcoming. Having said that, they were probably destined for disappointment.
Overall, it's really not the huge disaster that some people claim (I think their expectations might have been set a little too high) but ultimately it fails to truly engage the viewer. Partially because of the characterisation problems, and partially because, since the political scheming and subplots ( plots within plots' of the book are missing, the film needed another element - better acting, perhaps, or a willingness to really concentrate on one particular element of the story in order to give the movie focus - some element, that sadly appeared to be missing.

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I just started reading the 2nd book, and I'm enjoying it so far. Thanks for this video, you made me laugh :D. Watch Dune Movie Online Free Without Downloading High quality inn. Watch dance movie online free without downloading high quality video. Watch Dűne Movie Online Free Without Downloading high quality replica.

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Watch DÅne Movie Online Free Without Downloading High quality hotel. Props to Paul Atreides' personal hairdresser. How come the film never depicts this key figure and their seemingly inexhaustible supply of shampoo, conditioner and lacquer. I registered here on IMDb only to be able to comment on this movie, I hope that shows how much I appreciated this film. The first time I watched this film I was 13 years old or so, and it made a permanent impression. The whole atmosphere surrounding the intricate storyline, the awesome effects (the worms look real. almost. and the signature of David Lynch, which shows themselves as periodic surrealism, especially with all the dreaming, and the subtle shots with no more than tasteful amounts of gore.
Some might find the plot too confusing at times, but it's easy to follow if you try a little bit, without demanding entertainment in the return of no effort.
A great movie by a great director.

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